My freshman year of college was an incredible experience. I hope everyone enjoys their freshman year as much as I did. In this post, I will describe my first year of college, and I will offer advice to other freshman. Read on for tips about dorms, enjoying college, and navigating freshman year!
About my Experience:
I am originally from Portland, OR and I am attending college at PLNU in San Diego, CA to study Marketing as my major. I had an amazing first year. My campus is on the beach, and the view is incredible. I fell in love with San Diego. I love the beach, the city and the mouthwatering food. I have met people that inspire me daily. I am so thankful for my friends and boyfriend I met. This year, I was involved with cheerleading and ASB. These activities helped make my freshman year great. It is really helpful to get involved on campus because you immediately build a friend group and you have the ability to meet great people.
Favorite Memories from Freshman Year:
Tanning on Sunset Cliffs- Great way to relax from the stress of classes
School Dance at Sea World- PLNU is an incredible school!!
Meeting Incredible People- I met some of my closest friends this year.
Cheering at the Homecoming Basketball Game- It’s great to see passionate alumni
Exploring San Diego on the weekends- There are so many places you can visit!
Top 5 Pieces of Advice for an Incoming College Freshman:
Get Involved on Campus- I went to a smaller private university but I'm sure this is even more crucial at public schools
Enjoy Planning Your Dorm but know it doesn’t have to be Perfect- No one will judge if it is not a picture perfect Pinterest room
Sit Near the Front in Classes- Seriously?! Yes, I’m serious. This helps you pay attention in class and can potentially provide you favor with the teacher
Grades matter, but so does Socializing- Learn how to balance studying and socializing with friends
Be Open to Meeting New People- You will meet some incredible new friends at college. If you are going to college with a close friend, you don’t need to leave them, but be willing to meet new people
Dorm Room Tips:
I had so much fun planning out my dorm room! My roommate and I chose a pink and grey theme! I loved how our room matched and I would highly suggest doing this if you know who your roommate is in advance. Your dorm becomes your home, so decorate it as you’d like. I loved decorating with pictures from home. It made my dorm feel cozy and personal. Some of the most useful items I brought to school were my body pillow, my desk lamp and bed risers. If your university allows it, risers are the way to go. It is so nice to have the additional storage under your bed. My favorite part of my room was the cube storage organizer. It was a perfect fit, and provided me so much storage. If you have the floor space, go for the cube organizer, it is so nice to have, and a great storage idea.
Handling Anxiety about Attending College out of State: I was so excited to be studying in California, but because I am close with my family, I initially had reservations about being so far from home. This fear quickly dissipated. The anxiety you feel about being away from family can make the college transition seem difficult. In my experience, the homesickness went away pretty quickly. You can always see your family on breaks and college keeps you on your toes. Business, and involvement on campus really helps fight any homesickness. In my case, I am the oldest in my family, so saying goodbye was also difficult on my parents. I would face time my parents almost daily because the short five minute conversations were enough to update them on my life, and dull any feeling of homesickness.
I hope your experience with Freshman year is as wonderful as mine was! If you have any questions or want to share your experience, comment below. Thank you!